THE TRANSOM WINDOW has a design similar to the logo used for the 100th anniversary celebration of Peace Lutheran Church.
THE ANCHOR CROSS is a symbol of hope. In the time of persecution the Christians used the anchor as a "disguised cross". The enemy saw only an anchor. The Christian saw the sign of the cross.
THE ANGEL is a spiritual being created by God to be His agent and do His will. A "messenger" of God.
THE ARK Noah's ark, in which all living creatures found refuge, is a symbol of the church.
THE FISH SYMBOL was used by the early Christians in the times of persecution. It represented an acrostic of the Greek word for fish: ICHTHUS. Each letter of the Greek word became the first letter of Greek words which spelled out: Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.
THE CRUCIFIXION is the symbol of the atoning death of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
THE EASTER LILY is the most popular symbol of the Resurrection, bursting forth into new life and glorious beauty from a dormant bulb, signifying the resurrection from the dead.
THE FISH SYMBOL was used by the early Christians in the times of persecution. It represented an acrostic of the Greek word for fish: ICHTHUS. Each letter of the Greek word became the first letter of Greek words which spelled out: Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.
THE FORTRESS AND CROSS represents the great Reformation hymn, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God."
THE HAND OF GOD is a symbol of God the Father. The thumb and first two fingers are extended, representing the three persons of the Godhead. The third and fourth fingers are closed. They represent the twofold nature of God the Son.
THE CHALICE, BOWL, AND HOLY BIBLE symbolize the sacrament of Holy Communion. The Bible is the sacred book inspired by God, on which the Christian religion is based.
THE JEWELED CROSS, also referred to as the PASSION CROSS, has pointed ends. It represents the suffering and death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
THE LUTHER SEAL The black cross is for Christ’s suffering and death. The red heart is for faith which believes in forgiveness through Jesus’ blood. The white rose is for joy, comfort, and peace. The field of blue and gold ring symbolize the hope and blessedness of heaven which will endure forever.
THE CROSS AND PRAYING HANDS Prayer is expressed in the offering of praise, thanksgiving, and petitions to God. "This is the assurance we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will , He hears us." 2 John 5:14