Our history
1900:  Pastor Anton Maulwurf, who was serving a congregation in the town of Dakota, began visiting Wautoma every two weeks.  On September 29th, Peace congregation was organized by 13 men as Friedens Evangelical Lutheran; they applied for membership in the Iowa Synod.

1901:  Dedication for the small church built by members was held on January 12th.

1903:  Pastors Voss and Braun served.

1906:  The congregation purchased its first organ.

1908:  Pastor G. A. Schmidt was installed; the congregation numbered 40 voters.

1910:  Friedens congregation joined the Wisconsin Synod.  Seminary student Henry Anger was ordained on July 17th.  By late fall a parsonage on West River Street (it's still standing) was constructed for Pastor Anger and his bride at a cost of $1,415.

1911:  A schoolhouse was constructed and Pastor Anger taught the German language to the congregation's children.

1913:  The church was moved from its first location across the street to a lot next to the parsonage.  The church was enlarged with a chancel, belfry and full basement.  The church bell was purchased by the Ladies Aid for $250 and is still being used.  Rededication services were held July 27th.

1920:  Pastor E. G. Behm was installed.  Though the 15 year period that Pastor Behm served was marked with severe depression, several years of drought, bank failure and low prices, the Lord blessed the congregation and many souls were added through confirmation and adult instruction.

1934:  One worship service a month was held in English; the children were instructed in English.

1935:  Pastor Waldemar Gieschen was installed.  English services were conducted every week and German services once a month.

1937:  The schoolhouse was damaged by fire on August 12th and much of the restoration work was done by volunteers.

1941:  The chancel was carpeted.  Art glass windows and a communion rail were installed.  New hymnals were purchased in April for $1 each.  The church constitution was translated into English.

1943:  Pastor T. W. Redlin was installed on September 12th.  Extensive remodeling was completed in the parsonage.

1945:  The congregation's name was officially changed to Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church.

1948:  A Hammond organ was purchased for $1,886.  Sunday attendance during summer months averaged 229 souls.

1950:  Peace celebrated its 50th anniversary.  Total membership is 477 souls.

1951:  Pastor Arden Laper was installed.  The church was painted for $310.

1953:  A fund for a Christian day school was begun in July of 1952 and the school opened in 1953.

1958:  A Building Fund committee was appointed on October 16th.  All the members were visited and pledges wre taken for the Building Fund.

1959:  Pastor Gerhard Kaniess was installed.  In July a special meeting was called and the decision was made to purchase the Art Bean property for $3,500.  The congregation, which numbered 135 families, needed better facilities and plans were made to build the new church.

1960:  Work progressed on the new church to the point where the cornerstone laying service was held on October 16th.  The bronze box set in the cornerstone opening contains a Bible, catechism, hymnal, membership lists, pictures of the church under construction, a large 1855 penny, a copy of a local newspaper and Native American relics.

1961:  The church building was dedicated on May 7th; total cost was $117,835.67.  The old church was sold for $1,500 and was dismantled.  The school was sold for $1,000 and relocated.

1963:  A new parsonage was built at a cost of $26,000; the old parsonage was sold for $10.100.

1965:  During 1965, we shared our church facilities with Hope Lutheran congregation whose church had burned.

1971:  Pastor Lester Groth was installed.

1973:  The parking area was paved at a cost of $6,600.  The building debt was retired.

1982:  Pastor Christian Sulzle was installed.

1983:  Five classrooms were added to the church.

1999:  A covered drive-up entry, enlarged foyer and office addition was completed.

2000:  Peace celebrated its 100th anniversary.  Stained glass windows and air conditioning were added.

2004:  Pastor John Roebke was installed as associate pastor.

2005:  Pastor Sulzle accepted a call to South Dakota.

2008:  Pastor Leonard Pankow served as vacancy pastor after Pastor Roebke accepted a call to Alabama in 2008.  Pastor Roger Riedel is installed.

2018:  Pastor Riedel accepted a call to Grace, Oronoco, MN.  Pastor Joel Suckow began serving as vacancy pastor.

2019:  Pastor Steven Tews served at Peace from 2019-2022.

2022:  Pastor Tom Klusmeyer began serving as vacancy pastor.
Pastors who served the congregation:
Pastor Anton Maulwurf from 1900-1903.
Vacancy Pastors Voss and Braun from 1903-1908.
Pastor G. A. Schmidt from 1908-1910.
Pastor Henry Anger from 1910-1920.
Pastor E. G. Behm from 1920-1935.
Pastor Waldemar Gieschen from 1935-1943.
Pastor T. W. Redlin from 1943-1951.
Pastor Arden Laper from 1951-1959.
Pastor Gerhard Kaniess from 1959-1971.
Pastor Lester F. Groth from 1971-1982.
Pastor Christian Sulzle from 1982-2005.
Pastor John Roebke from 2004-2008.
Vacancy Pastor Leonard Pankow during 2008.
Pastor Roger Riedel from 2008-2018.
Vacancy Pastor Joel Suckow from 2018-2019.
Pastor Steven Tews from 2019-2022.
Vacancy Pastor Tom Klusmeyer since 2022.